A Dedicated Team.

DCN recognizes the essential roles between members & subscribing clients. To satisfy any challenges, DCN offers services such as data processing, background screening and utilizes a team of experienced legal professionals for a comprehensive solution.


DCN is a cooperative incorporated in New York providing drivers and their equipment to the transportation industry.

Drivers become owner members of the co-op by purchasing a share of stock and signing a contract with DCN allowing DCN to service subscribing clients. The subscribing client contracts with DCN for the services of their owner members by making member settlement payments to DCN for their services. DCN pays members and issues them the appropriate 1099 under their Federal ID. In addition DCN assumes the role of primary defender, if challenges by government agencies arise.


A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily…

to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. These are the guidelines co-operatives use to put their values into practice.


DCN is a business owned and controlled by its shareholders.

The shareholders participate and guide DCN on the direction of the company by attending annual shareholder meetings. By working together, they can reach objectives that would be unattainable if acting alone.




Assist members on marketing their services to the transportation/Logistics industry.


Make available to the membership insurance programs protecting its members against work related accidents.

Settlement Processing

Provide settlement processing for services performed along with voluntary and mandated deductions.

Benefit Access

Provide access to an assortment of voluntary benefit programs such as health care, legal services, liability insurance, etc.


Provide resources that assist the member with tools for growth, fleet management and financing, advertising, tax preparation and other useful services.

Discount Programs

A variety of discount programs such as fuel, tires, auto repairs, vehicle rental etc.

Check Out Our Video

A Little Introduction

Freight Solutions

Client and contractor services

Client Services

  • Online enrollment processing through secure portal
  • Real workers comp certificate naming your company of a certificate holder
  • Access to real workers compensation insurance for the driver if necessary
  • Access to Non-auditable workers compensation pending underwriting approval
  • Administration of driver settlement processing
  • Administration of payee functions ranging from truck lease payments to garnishments
  • Manage driver insurance census information including adds and deletes each month
  • Manage premium collection and remittance

Contractor Services

  • DCN Ownership Position
  • Profit Sharing
  • Work Related Accident claim management and assistance
  • Settlement & Deduction inquiries and management
  • Tax Escrow Services
  • Access to Healthcare
  • Access to various discount programs


Partnering with world class vendors

Fuel Discount Program

Save on Fuel

Saving $0.50 per gallon on diesel is just the start. Our card which is accepted at 15,000+ locations, allows cash advances and ATM withdrawals. All monitored by an app or site, managers get ultimate control and can authorize emergency spending.

As a fuel discount member you also qualify for discounts at the shop and access to 24-7 legal representation. Even more, fuel discount members are offered special trainings, access to safety equipment and accounting services.

Commercial Truck Roadside Assistance

24/7 roadside assistance

When you are putting tens of thousands of miles on the road each year a flat tire, dead battery, or other mishaps are bound to pop-up from time to time. Be ready and get back on the road quickly with access to 24/7 roadside assistance. This covers the USA and Canada.

Cargo Insurance

Did Something Break?

Delivering goods is the soul of the transportation business, but what happens when a contract is fraudulent or something breaks on the road? Having cargo insurance protects drivers and businesses from a variety of financial losses that occur as part of business dealings, whether intentionally or not.

Health Insurance

Stride Health is the preferred benefits partner of DCN. Comparing thousands of health insurance plans, they work to get drivers the best healthcare coverage for their needs at the lowest price. Insurance is offered nationwide and it takes only 10 minutes to get a quote.

Ready to Come On Board?